Access the Horses: In the Options set the difficulty to Normal. In the Mode select choose Saturn. Place first in each of the three tracks, after winning the third, scroll the cars until you find "Horse". Karaoke Mode: Set number of laps to normal. Exit Options and choose Arcade Mode, while selecting a course, keep pressing up and choose your course with C. Music Select: In Options choose Key Assign, choose type B. While choosing any track and car hold A, X, Y, or Z depending on the song you wish to hear. Hold that button until the race starts. Rocket Start: At the starting line of Advanced or Expert, hold brake or B, then hold acceleration or C. Keep the RPM's between 6500 and 70. When the race starts let go of brake but keep holding acceleration. Hear Other Soundtracks: When putting your initials in, type in any of the following ones and you'll get different music from different games. Initials that play Soundtracks: SEX A.B BNB DST E.R EXN GDA G.F GLC GPR DYN H.O KOS LGA O.R ORS P.D P.P QTT R.M S.C SDI S.F S.H SHO SKH SMG T.B TET TOR V.F VFT VMO V.R .KK DEK YAN M.M KOU HSB TAK KAZ ASA YOJ YUI NAK MIT OKA TRS H.S OSI JIM IGA ANI V.C K.J MAS KEN AKI ISO AO. KAG YAM KAO SAO NAG VME A.Y J.B S.B PAI K.M W.H J.M LAU V.R V.F No Tires in the Demo: Begin a race and enter the pit area. When the crew takes the tires off press A+B+C+Start to reset the game. Watch the demo. Car Select: At the Title Screen hold down/right+L+R+C+Y, then hit Start. Go Fast on the Grass Tip: While driving the Green Car, or the horses you can keep speed on the grass. Easy Horse Selection: At the Title Screen hold up/left+A+B+X+Z, then hit Start. Helicopter View: Choose Saturn Mode, then choose a track. Hold Start as you pick your car, to race in the Time/Lap Mode. After you finish the race, watch the replay. Press the R button to watch it from a helicopter view. Kilometre Speedometer: At the Title Screen hold X+Y+Z on controller two. Then hit Start on controller one to make the speedometer read kilometres. Draw the Leading Car Close to You: During the race hold Z to pull the the leading car closer to you, it should be a bit easier now. Impossible Mode: After you watch the demo, at the Sega logo press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, C. If done correctly you should hear a sound. Now the game will be impossible. Second set of Horses: After you put the first horse code, use the horse to place first in the Endurance Mode on the beginners track and Normal Mode. |