Sega going to move out of the Hardware Business?
GameSpot has posted a report of the special ceremony for the Okawa Foundataion (a non-profit organization which contributes to the growth and development of technology), CSK and Sega Enterprises chairman Isao Okawa revealed the Dreamcast's future. Sega will drop the Hardware Business.

Here's a note taken of Gamespot:

However, the greatest revelation during our discussions came as a huge shock to many of us seated next to Mr. Okawa. While this has been hinted at by media and even members of Sega in the past, hearing the chairman of Sega Enterprises officially stating it was very surreal: Sega is moving out of the hardware business. The Dreamcast will likely be the company's final console. Even when asked what Sega's plans will be if the Dreamcast proves to be a major success, Okawa reaffirmed that the company is moving from the hardware market. He stated that the future of Sega rests in the Internet and its software lines. Previous discussions as to the expandable nature of the Dreamcast may come in to play sooner than previously expected. If this is Sega's last major "console," we may begin to see more add-on devices early next year (i.e. the DVD drive, cable modem interface). In fact, on display, behind a glass case, was an ethernet cable designed to fit where the 56K modem normally would. While there were no concrete revelations regarding the future configurations of the hardware, success or not, the Dreamcast appears to be Sega's final hardware effort.

The subject of Sega Enterprises branching off a new Internet company (to handle e-business and online gaming for the Dreamcast) was once again brought up. Okawa stated that current plans are for such a company to be launched in the US in the near future.

News by: Ryoni Schouten
