Dreamcast Zip Drive and Digital Camera Shots
GameSpot has posted new information of the Dreamcast Zip Drive Unit and the Digital Camera.

Here's a note taken of Gamespot:

The Dreamcast Zip Drive was finally displayed at the Okawa Foundation event. Resting underneath the Dreamcast unit itself, the two hardware components connected gave off a great aura - they looked perfect together. The possibilities the zip drive will allow for are wonderful - new downloads for games including characters and stages. Not to mention the ability to create material and store it on the drive (which Sega claims will read and write much faster than current zip drive units employed in PC configurations). Sega of America did not reveal a US release date for the device, but GameSpot News has previously learned that it will be launched in Japan in February.

Okawa also showed off an early demonstration unit of the Dreamcast Digital Camera. The device, resting atop of a TV monitor, will be able to display your face on a second player's monitor while interacting in a game. The demonstration at the event had two of the Dreamcast units networked, and video was being transferred between the two. Players could also chat in real time via the Dreamcast microphone device.

News by: Ryoni Schouten
