Top 30 Chart
Here's a list of the DC games in the thirty best selling Japanese games chart fo the period - november 8th - november 14th.

1) Chu Chu Rocket (Sega) This Week: 35,420 Total: 35,420
7) Seaman (Vivarium) This Week: 19,979 Total: 240,539
16) Giga Wing (Capcom) This Week: 9,244 Total: 9,244
26) Let's make a J.League Pro Soccer Club (Sega) This Week: 7,655 Total: 243,668

Let's hope that Chu Chu Rocket will stay in the top 10 next week and that Seaman and Let's Make a J.League Pro Soccer Club will reach the 300k units sold. (Only Sega Rally 2, Sonic Adventure and Soul Calibur have done that job yet.)

News by: Ryoni Schouten
