Reader Reaction: Top 3 Fighters |
It seemed like a good idea at the time. So far most reader have lambasted me for choosing Virtua Fighter 3tb as the #1 fighter on the DC. Many call me crazy, insane, eccentric. Will I cave in to this pressure? NO! I am sticking by my guns. VF 3tb is the BEST fighting game on the DC, Period. While this is only my personal opinion I think many people who responded haven't played the game ( I think the official U.S. sales of the game were 2-- 1 to me and 1 to Yu Suzuki when he was here for E3.) Try the game... Buy the guide, it helps you to learn just how deep a game this is. Whew... now that that is over onto the important stuff. And now the reader's top 3 Dreamcast fighters... 3. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 There you have it... the reader top 3. E-mail michaelmalkin@excite.com